Telos July 2023 Recap

Telos Foundation
13 min readAug 11, 2023


July was jam packed at Telos, from the introduction of several new strategic partnerships, the onboarding of a new group of talented and accomplished team members, and exciting developments in DeFi and across other areas of the project.

Telos’ partnership with decentralized exchange (DEX) IceCreamSwap made waves in July. The collaboration was announced at the beginning of the month and was followed up two weeks later with the introduction of TLOS Reward Farms, enabling users to generate an APY of up to 5,137.12% through the ICE/TLOS pairing.

Three new Telos team members were announced in July to strengthen the project’s creative and branding, DeFi ecosystem and communications capabilities. Having now been onboarded, each have begun actively contributing to the growth and expansion of Telos globally.

There are a lot more exciting developments to cover for the month of July, so let’s get right into it!

In July, the project’s talented team of Telos Core Developers (TCD) made huge strides building and developing across various different parts of the ecosystem. Throughout the month, TCD continued to make upgrades to the Telos Network and all of its related dApps, including the Telos Web Wallet, Teloscan and other native apps used by the community on a daily basis.

Through the TCD Snapshot, the Telos team now presents weekly updates of all improvements and upgrades undertaken by the project’s development team. Dive into last month’s weekly updates for a complete breakdown on all of the development work that took place:

TCD Snapshot w/o June 26th-July 2nd

TCD Snapshot w/o July 3rd-July 10th

TCD Snapshot w/o July 11th-16th

TCD Snapshot w/o July 24th-July 30th

The TCD Chronicle has also been introduced, this monthly report will serve as a recap of notable integrations & development updates, as well as providing insight into key network metrics. You can read our first issue below:

TCD Chronicle July 2023

TCD’s priorities and focus throughout August and moving into fall include:

  1. EVM 1.5 and EVM 2.0
  3. EVM Web Wallet
  • OREID Wallet Integration (Telos Cloud Wallet)
  • SafePal Walletconnect Integration
  • ERC 1155 NFT functionality implementation
  • EVM Web Wallet UI/UX improvements

4. Addressing the Governance Change backlog

Following the introduction of several new team members to the Telos marketing team over the past few months, the unit was highly active throughout July moving forward with various new marketing and communications strategies and initiatives. From continued weekly AMAs with new and existing partners and participation in major global conferences to other marketing streams focused on Telos’ presence in gaming, the month was full of impactful networking and growth opportunities for the entire project ecosystem.

Marketing Highlights:

Participation in ETHCC6

ETHCC6 is a DeFi-focused conference and Web3 networking event that took place in France in July, showcasing notable scaling solutions like Base, Mantle and Linea. Telos team members Sukesh Tedla and Nicky Chalabi attended the conference and participated in engaging discussions on Zero Knowledge Proofs and real-world assets’ role in DeFi, while spotlighting projects like Scroll and ZKSync. While onsite, both Sukesh and Nicky developed new strategic industry connections with the goal of boosting Telos’ influence in the DeFi sector.

Attendance at PlayGG

The Telos team also attended PlayGG, a gaming-focused event with 50 game showcases and on-stage e-sport competitions sponsored by Magic Eden. Attendance at the event provided an avenue for potential collaborations and strengthened Telos’ reach in the burgeoning GameFi space.

Networking at Digital Vertigo

Core Telos team members also attended Digital Vertigo in July, an art-technology exhibition held in Tokyo and Toronto from July 20th — 27th. The event attracted about 100 attendees on opening night and served as a networking platform in the NFT and wider crypto sector. Through attendance, Telos’ commitment to the NFT scene was bolstered through in-person networking and organic social media promotion, both of which reinforced the project’s standing in the digital art community.

Other notable highlights:

  • Telos Weekly and Other Recurring Content: We’ve continued to roll out informative weekly content such as the Telos Weekly series on YouTube, Telos Weekly Express Newsletter on Twitter, the TCD Snapshot on Medium and TCD Weekly Q&A.
  • Buidl Crypto Podcast: Telos Core Developer’s CTO, Jesse Schulman, was featured on the Buidl Crypto podcast.
  • AMAs with partners: The Telos Marketing Team continued hosting Twitter Spaces and Discord AMA’s with our partners providing educational content to the Telos Community.
  • New Video Tutorials: Brand New Video Tutorials were added to the official Telos YouTube channel.
  • definaut Twitter Spaces: Telos Foundation CEO, Justin Giudici, was featured on definauts education Twitter space with 800+ listeners.
  • Crypto & Coffee Twitter Space: Telos Foundation CEO, Justin Giudici, was featured on a Crypto & Coffee Twitter Space co-hosted by Front Finance on “onboarding the next billion users into Web3” with just under 500 listeners.
  • Telos Q2 Report: Published a comprehensive overview of all Q2 2023 project activity.
  • New Telos Zealy: Another successful Telos Zealy season was completed which resulted in boosted community interaction and ecosystem participation by rewarding our most loyal community members.
  • Education Ecosystem Partner Threads: Continued to produce educational twitter threads highlighting Telos Ecosystem Partners.

The Telos marketing team remains committed to showcasing the versatility and power of the Telos ecosystem digitally and IRL on a consistent basis through impactful, engagement driving initiatives and general awareness raising tactics across both Web2 and Web3. The team has experts in traditional marketing, digital marketing, social media, community building, communications and other areas that can help deliver the Telos vision to the world in the pursuit of onboarding an exponential number of new users into the project’s already-comprehensive ecosystem.

Telos’ Business Development team made significant strides in July across several different segments of Web3, including DeFi, software/hardware wallets and NFTs. Global projects continue to recognize the major advantages that are offered by Telos’ fast, cost-effective and environmentally friendly technology, which has led to an increase in strategic partnership opportunities across the board. Here’s an overview of key business development activity throughout July:

New Key Partners:

  • IceCreamSwap — Allows users to swap, farm, launch and bridge in seconds.

Official Announcement

  • Zo WorldEmpowers artists with digital interventions to curate their virtual identities and reach wider audiences through NFTs.

Official Announcement

  • Tangem — A cold storage wallet that allows users an easy way to store digital assets without the risk of being hacked.

Official Announcement

  • ChangeNow — A cross-chain swaps service with bridge functionality.

Official Announcement

  • Coinsender — A token distribution and management platform that allows multi-address transactions in one click.

Official Announcement

  • NFTO — Toronto’s first community-driven Web 3.0 and NFT social club

Official Announcement

  • Fortis Network — A decentralized Web3 platform built on Telos that includes Fortis Coin (FORT), the newly announced ROI dApp and lastly, the Fortis Wallet.

Official Announcement

The Telos NFT Department continues to innovate, develop new strategic and impactful partnerships and launch engaging community initiatives each and every month. July was no different, with the team announcing a new collaboration with rapidly-growing community organization NFTO and art exhibitors Zo World, hosting a community space with one of the NFT industry’s true pioneers, attending a major IRL event in Toronto, and much more!

Here’s a look through last month’s developments:

  • NFTO partnership — the Telos NFT Department announced its newest partnership with NFTO, Toronto’s first community-driven Web 3.0 and NFT social club. Following the pandemic, NFTO was formed to bring together believers in Web 3.0 for events and meetups centered on networking, community building, education, fun and, of course, the occasional party. Through this partnership, Telos will collaborate with NFTO at the upcoming Futurist Conference in Toronto this August and will also team up with the organization to throw future virtual and IRL events.
  • Zo World Partnership — Telos and Zo World have come together to launch a digital art exhibit that features Augmented reality aspects for digital artwork minted on Telos.
  • DrBill spotlight — The Telos NFT Department sat down with generative artist pioneer and OG in the digital art space, DrBill, in an exciting Twitter space hosted on the @Telos_NFTs Twitter page. We also had the pleasure of giving away one of DrBills exclusive AI experiment pieces to the Telos community.
  • LURKLOVESYOU Artist Spotlight — Artist LURKLOVESYOU was a recipient of a Telos Ignite Grant and was featured in our artist spotlight series.
  • Goat Studio Digital Vertigo Event — The Telos NFT Team attended the Digital Vertigo exhibition in Toronto, Canada!

General Updates — Due to unforeseen Multichain bridge issues, Telos Total Value Locked (TVL) took a hit, resulting in an estimated loss of approximately $500K. Additionally, our planned collaboration with a known layer-2 scaling solution was deferred due to last-minute timeline adjustments and as such, we’re actively expediting the integration of another partner to our platform.

For now, the Omnidex team has decided to pause developments to focus on other priorities, however, communication remains open and the team is open to restarting developments when it makes sense for both parties.

To alleviate these challenges, Telos Foundation is focused on integrating a new bridge provider within the next two weeks. Once all elements align, a comprehensive marketing campaign will be initiated. Moreover, by mid-Q4 2023, we aim to offer an additional bridge solution through collaborations with various providers.

Telos is closing out the month on a positive projection, having engaged with partners and potential collaborators at ETHCC, leading to many fruitful discussions. Currently, we’re assessing eight prospective partnership proposals, spanning oracles, yield aggregators, fintech, perpetual contracts, prediction markets, and DEXs.

As we wrap up July, we want to update you on the latest developments and initiatives within our ecosystem.

  • OmniLend Liquidations: Majority of liquidations from OmniLend have been successfully completed. Our team is actively monitoring and has been working diligently to ensure this doesn’t impact the wider TLOS markets.
  • Bridge Solutions Update: While we’ve encountered some delays in securing new bridge partners, rest assured that we are actively engaged in discussions with top players in the industry. We are committed to restoring the robustness and reliability of the Telos DeFi ecosystem.
  • Preparing for New Bridge: In anticipation of the deployment of the new bridge solution, we are actively securing partnerships with valuable DeFi projects for deployment. This milestone will significantly enhance our DeFi ecosystem.

Nicky Chalabi, our new DeFi lead, has got the partnerships flowing. We have already signed 7+ MOUs and are engaging with new partners daily.

Our efforts to secure top exchange listings and on/off-ramp solutions are progressing positively, with some in advanced stages, and timelines are set for announcements in August.

As always, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and patience during these challenging times. Your contributions and feedback are essential to our collective growth and success. We remain focused on delivering a seamless and secure DeFi experience, and we will continue to keep you updated on the development and deployment of the new bridge solution.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Together, we will overcome challenges, drive innovation, and shape the future of decentralized finance on Telos. Thank you for being an integral part of the Telos DeFi community.

Read our new article below for an overview of the Telos DeFi team’s strategic direction and focus areas for the upcoming months:

Some of the key highlights from July are:

1. Reducing exposure to MC assets.

2. Tangem Hardware wallet announcement, one other major wallet integration coming soon in August.

3. 7+ MOUs signed with new DeFi projects to join the Telos DeFi ecosystem

4. Telos Boost program paused temporarily till the situation with bridging resolves- So far 11 applications have been received (5- Rejected, 6- Approved).

5. 50+ projects in the DeFi/Infra deal flow.

6. Agreements signed with top on/off ramp solutions, positive discussions with top-tier exchanges, potential announcements in August and following months.

L&E Finances:

  • We currently have ~$5 million in assets and 50% is in TLOS token.
  • Liquidity Fund activities:
  • Snapshot of L&E funds (as of 4th August 2023):

Top Telos DeFi Project — Swapsicle

Telos presents the evolution of Swapsicle, a premier DeFi project, as it advances to its V2 iteration, featuring a robust dual token economy powered by SLUSH and ICE tokens.


  • Swapsicle transitions from the previous POPS v1 token to a vibrant new token system with SLUSH as their leading token, available for trading on Swapsicle V2. With a current max supply of 25 million tokens, its future supply parameters will be governed by the DAO.
  • Swapsicle’s utility token, ICE, infuses their ecosystem with extensive functionality, enabling users to stake and accrue benefits across various Igloo products.
  • Unveiling Igloo, the domicile of the ICE token where users can interchange ICE and SLUSH and engage with a wide range of innovative staking products, enhancing ICE token’s utility.
  • Igloo, a comprehensive platform, hosts an array of applications including the Ice Cream Van, Zombie Van, Instant Liquidity, the forthcoming Launchpad/Partner Airdrops (Phase 2), and the IceBlock (Phase 2).
  • Ice Cream Zombies NFT holders enjoy special privileges such as faster defrosting times, exclusive staking mechanisms, and lucrative profit airdrops during prosperous periods.
  • Swapsicle V2 proudly introduces Concentrated Liquidity pools powered by Algebra Finance, enabling users to specify their liquidity supply range.

For further details on Swapsicle V2, check out their new litepaper here.

Concerning Telos Governance, in July we saw the The Telos Guardian Elections were held resulting in 5 new elected Guardians: Lee Erswell (swapsiclelee), Ajinkya Jagtap (ajinkyatelos), Rigi (rigi1robinos), Max Mochi (mochinftdraw), and Brian Tse (telosbriantf).

During this process, a variety of Twitter and Discord Panel discussions were hosted by Telos Guardian Chris Barnes, providing the Telos community more info on election nominees and their platforms. You can listen to the Twitter Space linked below.

You can learn more about our newly elected Guardians in the article below:

The Telos Guardians also continued to host bi-weekly meetings offering greater transparency and oversight into the inner workings of the Telos Foundation and TCD. These are made available on the Telos YouTube Channel.

Follow the Official Telos Guardian Twitter Account


As we move into August and Q3, the Telos team remains steadfast in its efforts to refine its technology and grow its user base and community exponentially in the months ahead. There has never been a more productive and impactful period across the Telos ecosystem and all project teams are working in lockstep to deliver on our potential of cementing Telos’ place within the upper echelon of blockchain projects.

Huge progress was made on the development and evolution of the Telos Network in July, as outlined in the weekly TCD Snapshot series. Meanwhile, the marketing team was highly active at IRL events throughout the world in July, while the core team focused on expanding the project’s marketing capabilities to grow the Telos community even further. The Business Development continued its roaring pace by locking in a number of new strategic partnerships, while the Telos NFT Department and DeFi/L&E teams did the same. As always, the focus of Telos remains to move towards a fairer world for all participants and that vision has not changed. Moving into Fall, all project teams will continue to make progress towards pushing Telos forward while doubling down on our commitments to our community and ecosystem partners.

Follow Telos

As a decentralized, independent and not-for-profit organization, the Telos Foundation spearheads the advancement and governance of the Telos blockchain. Launched in 2018, Telos has an impeccable five-year record of uninterrupted service. With the introduction of the tEVM in 2021 — the fastest Ethereum Virtual Machine — Telos has demonstrated its commitment to cutting-edge technology. Now shifting its focus to becoming a Layer 0 network, Telos places paramount importance on scalability, security, and decentralization. The network’s impressive performance allows for 15,200+ transactions per second, all while maintaining near-feeless operations. Today, the Telos ecosystem boasts more than 100 partners, 250 dApps, 1.2 million accounts, and a rapidly growing community. Telos continues to propel the industry’s transition to Web 3.0 and pave the way for global adoption of decentralized solutions.

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Telos Foundation

Innovation meets gaming at Telos. Your home for secure, scalable & supercharged gaming experiences. Empowering devs, exhilarating gamers.